FrankenBot RepRapped parts

This is the list of RepRap Mendel parts needed to build the Frankenbot, excluding a Adrian’s extruder, wich is provided all by Camiel for now.

Some parts have a name behind it, this means they supplied the part, or pledged to do so. Some names are available more than once, they are the replacement parts used now, to be replaced by your part!

  1. bed-spring_4off.A – RenΓ© Bohne(FabLab RWTH Aachen) – CidVillas
  2. bed-spring_4off.B – CidVillas
  3. bed-spring_4off.C – CidVillas
  4. bed-spring_4off.D – CidVillas
  5. circuit-board-bracket-m3_4off.A
  6. circuit-board-bracket-m3_4off.B
  7. circuit-board-bracket-m3_4off.C
  8. circuit-board-bracket-m3_4off.D
  9. circuit-board-spacer-m4_2off.A – sphetz not arrived yet
  10. circuit-board-spacer-m4_2off.B
  11. drive-pulley_3off.A/drive-pulley_3nop.A – nophead – CidVillas
  12. drive-pulley_3off.B/drive-pulley_3nop.B – nophead – CidVillas
  13. drive-pulley_3off.C/drive-pulley_3nop.C – nophead – CidVillas (Defect)
  14. frame-vertex_6off.A – Kliment
  15. frame-vertex_6off.B – CidVillas
  16. frame-vertex_6off.C – CidVillas
  17. frame-vertex_6off.D – CidVillas
  18. frame-vertex_6off.E – CidVillas
  19. frame-vertex_6off.F – CidVillas
  20. pinch-wheel-bracket-NEMA17_604-bearing_1off
  21. x-180-z-bearing-plate_2off.A – Joachim Glauche
  22. x-180-z-bearing-plate_2off.B – JoshMcCullough not arrived yet
  23. x-360-z-bearing-plate_2off.A
  24. x-360-z-bearing-plate_2off.B
  25. x-360-z-bearing-plate-mirror_2off.A
  26. x-360-z-bearing-plate-mirror_2off.B
  27. x-axis-side-plate-nut-jig_2off.A
  28. x-axis-side-plate-nut-jig_2off.B
  29. x-bar-clamp-m3_6off.A
  30. x-bar-clamp-m3_6off.B
  31. x-bar-clamp-m3_6off.C
  32. x-bar-clamp-m3_6off.D
  33. x-bar-clamp-m3_6off.E
  34. x-bar-clamp-m3_6off.F
  35. x-bar-clamp-m4_4off.A
  36. x-bar-clamp-m4_4off.B
  37. x-bar-clamp-m4_4off.C
  38. x-bar-clamp-m4_4off.D
  39. x-carriage-belt-clamp_2off.A
  40. x-carriage-belt-clamp_2off.B
  41. x-carriage-lower_1off – nophead – CidVillas (Defect)
  42. x-carriage-upper_1off – nophead – CidVillas (Defect)
  43. x-end-bracket_2off.A – EmanuelG
  44. x-end-bracket_2off.B – IanA not arrived yet – will it?
  45. xlr-bracket_1off
  46. x-motor-bracket-spacer_2off.A – !!no replacement, CidVillas part doesn’t fit
  47. x-motor-bracket-spacer_2off.B – !!no replacement, CidVillas part doesn’t fit
  48. x-vert-drive-nut-trap_4off.A
  49. x-vert-drive-nut-trap_4off.B
  50. x-vert-drive-nut-trap_4off.C
  51. x-vert-drive-nut-trap_4off.D
  52. x-vert-drive-side-plate-180-end_2off.A
  53. x-vert-drive-side-plate-180-end_2off.B
  54. x-vert-drive-side-plate-360-end_2off.C
  55. x-vert-drive-side-plate-360-end_2off.D
  56. y-bar-clamp_10off.A
  57. y-bar-clamp_10off.B
  58. y-bar-clamp_10off.C
  59. y-bar-clamp_10off.D
  60. y-bar-clamp_10off.E
  61. y-bar-clamp_10off.F
  62. y-bar-clamp_10off.G
  63. y-bar-clamp_10off.H
  64. y-bar-clamp_10off.I
  65. y-bar-clamp_10off.J
  66. y-bearing-180-inner_2off.A
  67. y-bearing-180-inner_2off.B
  68. y-bearing-180-outer-left_1off
  69. y-bearing-180-outer-right_1off
  70. y-bearing-360-inner_2off.A
  71. y-bearing-360-inner_2off.B
  72. y-bearing-360-outer-left_1off
  73. y-bearing-360-outer-right_1off – JBFromOZ not arrived yet
  74. y-belt-clamp_2off.A
  75. y-belt-clamp_2off.B
  76. y-idler-bracket_1off – Rhys Jones, Bath University
  77. y-motor-bracket_1off – Adrian Bowyer, Bath University
  78. z-axis-opto-spring_1off
  79. z-bar-top-clamp_4off.A – RoTorIT
  80. z-bar-top-clamp_4off.B
  81. z-bar-top-clamp_4off.C
  82. z-bar-top-clamp_4off.D
  83. z-driven-pulley_2off.A
  84. z-driven-pulley_2off.B
  85. z-drive-pulley-rim_4off.A
  86. z-drive-pulley-rim_4off.B
  87. z-drive-pulley-rim_4off.C
  88. z-drive-pulley-rim_4off.D
  89. z-leadscrew-base_2off.A – Prusajr
  90. z-leadscrew-base_2off.B – nophead
  91. z-leadscrew-base-bar-clamp_2off.A – !!no replacement, CidVillas part doesn’t fit -buZz
  92. z-leadscrew-base-bar-clamp_2off.B – !!no replacement, CidVillas part doesn’t fit
  93. z-motor-bracket_1off – nophead
  94. z-opto-bracket_1off – nophead
  95. z-tensioner_1off – nophead

Part source:
If you want to help out, don’t forget to make the piece recognizable as being yours, sign it, or alter the surface while printing!


14 Responses to “FrankenBot RepRapped parts”

  1. I would love to help out. I am willing to print whatever part you need next.

  2. Adrian says:

    Great! But, once logged in, how do we edit the list?

    • ruben says:

      The idea was to comment the part and bot info, so i could change the page to add it to the list. It’s a wordpress, not a wiki, so i dont know how to add that permission πŸ™‚

  3. Adrian says:

    OK – I’ll do you a y-motor-bracket_1off. Please ask if you want me to do more, but I don’t want to have my signature all over the machine…

  4. MakerBlock says:

    There are a lot of versions of these parts out there. If you included a link to each STL along with the name of the part, that might really help people print ’em for you. πŸ™‚

    • ruben says:

      I name the partnames from the official Sells Mendel repo, if ppl want to adapt the design (while still keeping it functional), that is specifically allowed πŸ™‚
      It is a frankenbot, so it is expected to look like its cobbled together πŸ™‚

  5. RoTorIT says:

    Sign me up for a z-bar-top-clamp_4off then Ruben!!

  6. sphetz says:

    I would like to print circuit-board-spacer-m4_2off.A and circuit-board-spacer-m4_2off.B.

    • ruben says:

      Thank you for the offer, i’m eagerly awaiting your part and documentation. I will only use one part on the bot though, the other will be added to the documentation.

  7. I’ll print:

    22. x-180-z-bearing-plate_2off.B
    23. x-360-z-bearing-plate_2off.A
    24. x-360-z-bearing-plate_2off.B

    Couldn’t find any “edit” ability to add my name…

    • Actually I’ll leave …

      23. x-360-z-bearing-plate_2off.A
      24. x-360-z-bearing-plate_2off.B

      …for two other contributors and just do…

      22. x-180-z-bearing-plate_2off.B

      • ruben says:

        Good, Thanks! Only one part was going to be added to Frankenbot per person, so the rest would be added to the documentation. Thanks for the help, I’m sure it will be a great addition πŸ™‚

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